Think of yourself as marketing personnel of a business organization. What is you task? Your task is to implement the most effective marketing strategy. The next question is; why would you do that? What is the purpose? Very straightforward. You have to do that in anticipation of generating more revenue for the company, by increasing the market share. Nowadays, customers have hundreds and thousands choices available in the market. That is due to the growing competition. If they are not happy with a product, they have a plenty of other options to choose and satisfy their need. Do you think that manufacturing the best product or providing the best service is just enough? No. If that is your style of doing business, then you will fail. Not because of the best product or service. May be due to the lack of awareness you create about your company, among the customers. This is where a lot of companies have fallen down. In contrast, highly efficient marketing campaigns is the number one reason for corporate giants like Coca Cola, to become what they are today. However, now this is not going to be about how to plan and execute a marketing campaign. You know there’s a method of advertising, called banners. No doubt that it is not a new thing for you. Because, you must have seen thousands of banners so far in your life. Although it a bit old method, used by most of the companies, still they continue it to a certain extent. When it comes to a special occasion such as a product launch or an exhibition in your company, you will have to create a banner. Therefore, let’s look at some of the factors to consider, in order to create the most effective banner.
The purpose
This comes first. You don’t just design a banner. There has to be a purpose. As depicted above, you will have to do this whenever there’s a special occasion.
Type of the banner
Depending on the purpose, you have to decide the type of banner you need. It may be a mesh banner, exhibition displays Sydney, roll up banner etc. For a small scale event, a pull up banner would be ideal.
The design
The design is what carries the value of the entire thing. The more attractive you make it, greater the chance for you to get the attraction of the customers. Again, the design should also depend on the purpose. For instance, when you sponsor for something like a sports fiesta, the most effective one would be a teardrop banner which are normally used in outdoors.
This is basically the designing and printing cost. You may have to outsource the designing part if there’s no one to do it in house. But, remember that it will cost very high. Hence, look at all the possibilities to get it done at a very low cost.
Got it? Make a note of these elements and come up with the best idea.